Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to Build Wealth

Building Wealth Using Proven Time Tested Methods

Building wealth is the intent and purpose of Money Talks Seminars. Dr. Raymond Jewell has been showing numerous people, over the course of over thirty years, how to keep the funds they have, and amplify those earnings over time. The new Money Talks is coming on Saturday, so make plans to spend an hour and learn all about wealth recovery, and how to build wealth for the future.


PRLog (Press Release)

Sep 09, 2009

Through business mentoring and training, Dr. Raymond Jewell has taken on the responsibility of working with clients from around the world. He has worked with them by building business models, and showing them where the problem areas lie in their own finances. This is what the people who signup for Money Talks are going to receive. They will get a glimpse into the true world of finances, financial institutions and how to educate themselves to stop losing money.

As amazing as it may sound, Dr. Jewell offers this for no charge. Money Talks Seminars are free for the asking. The only requirement is to register at the following website location:

After registration, and verification, the user will then gain access to the up and coming Money Talks Seminar. The date and time for this presentation is found below:

Sat, Sept 12, 2009 10:00AM-11:30AM EDT

This is such a simple way to learn how to recover lost wealth, it is little wonder why so many people are signing up. Dr. Jewell's ultimate goal is to attract over one million people over the next few years with his proven methodologies of wealth recovery and wealth creation.

The participant will be given numerous amounts of real time information concerning wealth recovery and wealth building techniques. These strategies have been used by many high profile clients to increase their income saving, and incoming earning potential. They know the value of Dr. Jewell's expertise and knowledge, and are making their own plans to attend the sessions.

Once again, participants must pre plan, and pre register for the upcoming event. The only way to gain access to to register and verify the information given.

Sat, Sept 12, 2009 10:00AM-11:30AM EDT

Statistics show that most people are losing between 10%-20% or more of their gross income or revenue to financial inefficiencies and they don't know it. If you would like to recover these lost dollars. There is no better way to become educated, than by attending the Money Talks seminars. These are offered at no cost, and no obligation. They are open to the general public. All sessions will be held by webinar presentations, and phone connections as well. All that is needed is an interest, and a willingness to register ahead of time. The Saturday deadline is forthcoming.  Make your plans to attend these one of a kind Money Talks presentations.
Dr. Raymond Jewell-Senior Economist
Money Talks
Financial Freedom Radio
The Card Business

Dr. Raymond Jewell-Senior Economist