Saturday, October 3, 2009

Comment by Butch Hamilton on Ray Jewell's Financial Freedom Radio

Financial Seminars - Reviewer: butchhamilton 10/03/09 05:53 AM EDT

Full Comment:

After knowing Ray Jewell for a number of years, and attending all of his Money Talks financial seminars, I know for a fact that he is indeed, one of the leaders in the financial world. His expertise and knowledge goes far beyond any other financial planner that I have ever heard. Dr. Jewell's simple and direct manner, both on the Financial Freedom Radio Show, and the Financial Seminars, actually lead people in the direction of being able to understand where they are losing money in the current economy, and how to stop that process from happening now, or in the future.

Honestly, anyone who wishes to become educated concerning their financial world, should plan to attend the sessions. I would also suggest listening and downloading these recordings as they are a good indicator of what this man stands for. I have yet to attend a Money Talks Financial Seminar where I did not walk away with new insight and knowledge. Being associated with someone of this knowledge and expertise, is like answering the questions of the money maze. All a person need do to learn more about Ray Jewell is to do some research on Google under his name, Financial Seminars, Money Talks Seminars and you will begin to discern that he is indeed, the prime authority in his chosen field of business economics.

To learn more about Financial Freedom Radio, CLICK HERE

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