Monday, October 26, 2009

Got the MLM Blues?

If you are frustrated, unhappy, confused, bewildered and generally pissed off about your MLM business, then you need to pay attention to this!

You have been invited by mentorsonamission to join a live Community

Mentors on a Mission (Join in)

Host: mentorsonamission

Episode: Mentors on a Mission

Mentors on a Mission is a new radio broadcast that will be talking about the MLM and network marketing industry. The talks will be entertaining, enlightening, and serve to guide newbie marketers, or even seasoned veterans, into techniques, systems and problems that they may face in building substantial businesses on Google. You will definitely not want to miss these sessions, as they will inspire, uplift, and educate you more fully into the process.

Call ID: 67243

Personal Message from the Host:

Mentors on a Mission Live Call Scheduled Today! Tune into to for the first ever live show for Mentors on a Mission. If you want to turn your MLM business into one that rocks, then you should attend this call! Signup for a free account, and join us today, 5PM EST on TalkShoeRadio!

Scheduled Time:

Date: Mon, October 26, 2009
Time: 05:00 PM EDT

How to participate:

Call in:

1. Dial: (724) 444-7444
2. Enter: 67243 # (Call ID)
3. Enter: 1 # or your PIN

Come in and join Mentors on a Mission for all the fun, insights, perspectives, ramblings and conversation about the MLM industry! You will bookmark these sessions from now on!  We will rock the MLM industry with the real story!  You have nothing to lose here, except...your confusion!!!

Butch Hamilton-The Wildcat SEO Master