Thursday, October 1, 2009

Motivational Radio

Motivational Radio-True Internet Radio Programming for You!

New Extended hours

Yes we are now on air some 16 hours a day

Broadcasts will start from 6am EST

 The featured show will still  start

at 8pm EST monday to friday

What is Motivational Radio and what can it do for me? Good question.

Let's deal with the radio station first.......

Motivational Radio was set up originally to help those many thousand or internet visitor who have been conned but the shoddy rubbish and programs that have been doing there rounds ever since the inception on the internet. True we will never stop this behavour but we do intend to slow its trot.

All material for broadcast, adverts, interviews ets have to pass through of team of program managers just to make sure of its authenticity.

We are starting off by keeping the rubbish and programs that should never see the light of day at bay. For too long now the so called Gurus have run rough shod over everyone. We intend this to never happen again through Motivational Radio.

As Motivational Radio is growing we have introduced listeners requests and Birthday greeting. Our review team is working very hard to bring you the best programs and products.

Whenever I find great services, I have no problem sharing it with my Google readers.  This website and radio program will contain valuable information for marketers, and anyone involved in building a credible business online.

To find more information, Visit My Site HERE!